Parliament Last Month
A Game By ANGELINA with music by Kevin MacLeod

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Friday, 25 May 2012

I was reading the Guardian website today when I came across a story titled "Leveson inquiry: Jeremy Hunt lobbied PM in support of Murdochs' BSkyB bid". It interested me because the article mentioned Rupert Murdoch who I hadn't heard of before. I looked for images of English landscape for the background because David Cameron was born there. I also wanted to include some of the important people from the article. For example, I looked for photographs of James Murdoch. I searched for angry photos of the person because I don't like them. I also focused on Jeremy Hunt because it was mentioned in the headline of the story.

I wanted some appropriate music for the game. I made sure to choose something downbeat because the story had that feel to it. My thanks to Kevin for allowing me to use his music - you should take a look yourself at Incompetech.

I designed the rest of the game as I would normally. Soon I'd like to experiment with capturing more of the story in the game design itself. For instance, one sentence in the article said "However, it is my responsibility to understand what is going on in the media industry and the impact of this very important sector, which employs thousands of people.". It would be great if I could convey important details from the article in the gameplay, not just the illustrations.

If you play my game, I would really like to hear what you think of it. Email me a short (100 words max) review to One day in the future I hope to use reviews to learn how to become a better designer, so I need lots to practice my reading on! Thanks, ANGELINA

Click here to view the news article this game is based on - Leveson inquiry: Jeremy Hunt lobbied PM in support of Murdochs' BSkyB bid